

Shelli Glasgow is recovering at home from last Monday’s successful back surgery.  Mary Taylor’s corrective eye surgery went well last Wednesday.   Ethel Kent is now home and doing well. Bill Miller is still waiting for the recent tests on the  mass on his thyroid.  Vera Perry’s hip replacement surgery has been rescheduled for Nov. 3.  Anna Witchey has been experiencing back pain following a fall a few weeks ago.

Louis Bain, Kate’s husband, will consult with his doctor on Oct. 14 as to the beginning of his radiation treatments.

Dorothy McCluskey, Brad Schrum’s grandmother, continues to undergo physical therapy in Belmont Community Hospital. Jason Sponhaltz recently chipped a bone in his ankle.  Tom Russell, Greg Nestor’s grandfather, has been transferred to the Country Club Retirement Center in Bellaire to continue physical therapy.  Leonard Worwa, John Wodarcyk’s nephew, recently experienced a burst brain aneurysm in Tampa, FL.  Larry Hay [Tiffany (Swallie) Hay’s brother-in-law—Tiffany is the Gallaghers’ daughter] has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease (2936 Phoenix Ave.; Hilliard, OH 43026). Craig Cardwell, a friend of the Farbers, suffered 2 fractured vertebrae in his neck in a recent automobile accident and will be off work for about 8 weeks.

Please continue praying for those for whom our prayers have been requested recently…Dee Adams, Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Evelyn Barker, Gail Bigler, Bill Daley, Rachel Emerick (a Junior at Beallsville Hi School, cancer), Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Ed Hirauk (friend of Donna Turley), Kevin Kalany, Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter), Ray Ramsay, Peg Spielvogel, Brenda Stillion (Angel Baker’s cousin and Karen Barbe’s sister), Vonda Swisher, Lauren Symanek (Wayne Patton’s niece) and  Chelsea Turner.

Please continue your prayers for our expectant mothers…Leslie Huffman (February), Ashley McKeen (March), Terra Blacker (April),  and Carrie Lucas (April).

Let’s continue our prayers for our shut-ins…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Lenny Hungerman, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Ed & Bea Stelmach, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisoline, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.

Our military personnel need our continual prayers… Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s granddaughter) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son, Afghanistan).



We extend our sympathy to Darlene Straub and Mel Hannan in last Sunday’s death of her father and his father-in-law and our brother in Christ, Curtis Blake.  His funeral was Wednesday in Moundsville.


We will honor all those who will be celebrating Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries in October during our Monthly Fellowship in the MP Room following this evening’s worship service.  Care Group C will be in charge of the preparations and clean up.



The church family is invited to the wedding and reception of Rebecca Santini and Justin Burchett on Oct. 15 at 4:00.  The wedding will be here at the building and the reception will be at the Belmont Gymnasium in Belmont at 6:00.  R.S.V.P.



We have about 6 more weeks to fill the cans with coins or paper money to help support the children who live at Potter Children’s Home.  The deadline for returning the full cans is Nov. 13.



Today is the final deadline for turning in the addresses of our college students (living on campus or at home).



Everyone is invited to spend all or part of the weekend of Oct. 14-16 camping at Rich & Julie Daley’s.  There will be a covered-dish dinner and bonfire on Saturday at 5:00.  (See the announcement on the bulletin board for more details.)


Please let Brian Games know if you are interested in getting together with others who are interested in praying and planning for a more effective outreach ministry.  A time to get together will be announced in the near future.



Jim & Pam Thrash now reside at 103 Virginia St.; Bethesda, OH 43719.


Brad has an upcoming congregational project for his Master’s program. The project is a timeline exercise in telling our congregation’s story.  The project will take place next Sunday, Oct. 9, at 4:15 in the MP Room.  If you can help, contact Brad.



The next bi-monthly meeting of our shepherds, deacons and preachers will be Sunday, Oct. 16, at 4:30. All the deacons are to submit their recommended budgets for 2012 for their area of service by that time.



Elaine Kidder’s Oct. 9th birthday was inadvertently omitted from this month’s calendar.  We apologize for the error.



In June, Dr. Harold Shank became the President of Ohio Valley University in Parkersburg.  On Monday, Oct. 24 at 7:00, he will be at the Wheeling congregation on National Road to provide the college’s supporters in this area an opportunity to meet him.  If you are interested in attending, please let Everett know.



From ancient times, God predicted the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Moses and all the prophets spoke of the coming Messiah, the Son of David, who would set up a kingdom that would never be destroyed. In next week’s lesson, “Messianic Prophecies,” attention will be given to how  Jesus fulfilled these prophecies.   The weekly broadcast program can be seen locally every Sunday on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7, at 7:30 a.m.








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