

Bob Digiandomenico will be entering a hospital in Washington County, PA for heart surgery on December 11th. Mike Slatt has consulted a urologist due to some recent problems he’s been having. Jennifer Wheeler (sister of Maureen McBride) was in the hospital last week, but is now home.

Please continue your prayers for those for whom prayer has been requested: Jim Bass, RaeAnn Beatty (Pat Rice’s daughter), Stephanie Bettinger (Jennifer Wheeler’s daughter), Charles Boger, Rebecca Burchett (Charlotte & Wayne Patton’s granddaughter, attacked by a dog), Skip Gooch, Harold (Amy Gray’s brother-in-law), Kelly Harris (Jessica Sowinski’s mom), Nancy Hendershot, Kelly Hupp, Mabel Hutson (gallbladder surgery), John Isiminger (Brenda McCreary’s dad), Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Arlene Kopyar, Lynn Pacifico, Pat Pendergrass, Martha Reed (Nancy Miller’s mother), Bill Saunders, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Titus-Glover (Stacey Cannon’s friend and former co-worker), Jimmy Thrash, Pat Varner (Sue Wirsing’s friend, cancer) and Donna Vilano (Mike Vilano Sr’s. mother).

Please continue to pray and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.


Please keep our expectant mothers in your prayers: Andrea Baldwin (March 10th), Lindsay McKeen (February 14th) & Maizee Bunner (March).


Please continue to pray for those who are serving in the military: Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).  


If you can prepare the communion for one month in 2015, please sign your name to the list on the bulletin board next to the month you prefer.


All ladies are invited to the Ladies Devo and Seasonal Gift Exchange, Tuesday, December 2 at 6 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. A sign-up sheet and additional information is located on the bulletin board in the foyer.


The ladies’ bible study (which normally meets on Tuesday at 6:00 at the building) will not be meeting this week.


This coming Sunday (November 30th) is a fifth Sunday, which means our contribution will go towards our building fund.


Congratulations to Amy & Ryan Higgins at the birth of their daughter Lilyan Grace. She was born Wednesday at 3:02 AM. She weighs 8lbs 4oz and is 21inches long.

Congratulations to Jay and Rhonda Rodak at the birth of their grandson Hunter Wade Rodak. He was born Thursday at 1:30 AM is 6 lbs. 15 oz. & is 20 in. long. He is Nathan and Courtney’s first child.


This coming Wednesday, November 26th, we will be having our annual Wednesday Thanksgiving devotional. There will be no individual classes.


During the month of November, we are being challenged to memorize & meditate on Matthew 22:36-40 together as a church.


On Sunday mornings at 9am and Wednesday nights at 7pm we have Bible classes for adults and children of all ages. These classes are a great opportunity for you and your family to grow in the knowledge and understanding of God’s word. We hope you’ll join us!


Deacons please submit your budgets for your areas of responsibility to the shepherds as soon as possible.


Thank you to all the teachers who spend their time and efforts in this crucial ministry! We are always looking for more teachers. We need your help!

If you have any interest at all, or have questions about how you can get involved, see Angel Baker, Sally McDiffitt, or Darla Yazombek. Even if you’ve never taught, it is a great way to get involved in the life of our church, and provide an important ministry to our children!


Because of our dinner tonight, evening worship will be moved to 5pm instead of 6pm. Be sure to spread the word!


This evening after our evening worship, we’ll be having a dinner to celebrate all that God has done for us this year. The church will be providing the meat, so bring some of your favorite holiday dishes! Because we’ve been so richly blessed, we want to be a blessing to others as we seek to love our neighbors. With that in mind, we are beginning to collect items to give to Tabitha’s Storehouse (a ministry of the National Road church in Wheeling), so bring some donations with you to the celebration.

Tabitha’s Storehouse distributes personal hygiene and household items that are not covered through WIC or food stamps. Needed are: items for babies and nursing mothers, such as diapers, diaper cream, wipes, tear-free shampoo and soap, q-tips, baby lotion, baby oil, baby powder + items for personal hygiene, such as sanitary napkins/tampons, tooth brushes, tooth paste, dental floss, shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, triple antibiotic cream, & band-aids + household items such as toilet paper, trash bags, foil, paper towels etc.


If you do not currently receive our weekly announcement email, and want to be on the list, please give your email address to Joyce or Brad.


The Shepherds have submitted the following names to be considered for the additional work of the deaconship. They are:


  • Darrin Clark,
  • Doug Frye,
  • Jamie Judge,
  • Tim McKeen.

      This morning, we look forward to ordaining these men to serve God and serve the church here in St. Clairsville. The shepherds express their thanks for prayers and unity through this process!


With winter approaching, and the potential for hazardous roadways, we want to be sure we have everyone’s telephone number and email addresses correctly on file.

There are copies of the current calling tree on the table in the foyer next to the bulletins. Please take a look to make sure we have you listed, along with the correct telephone number. If there is mistake, or you name is not currently listed, please fill out a contact card and give it to Brad or Joyce. We use the calling tree when we need to make a change or cancellation in our worship gatherings.


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