
Beginning text for Sunday Bible Class this week: Judges 17.1


Charles Boger was transferred to the Acuity Care Unit at Belmont Community Hospital last Wednesday where he will undergo therapy and be weaned from his trach.  Joyce Slatt is to consult with her surgeon again this coming Wednesday regarding  continuing abdominal problems.  Clyde Carpenter continues to do well at home as he recovers from heart surgery. Brian Games progress continues to remarkable as he undergoes various types of therapy.  Mary Bass has shingles.  Last Friday, Jocelyn Davis was to consult with a doctor at Children’s Hosp. in Pittsburgh regarding ongoing ear infections. We are  thankful Ryan Hatcher was not injured in a serious one-car accident two weeks ago.

Zach Roberts, Harry & Edie’s 5-month old great nephew, is scheduled for open heart surgery tomorrow in Morgantown. Paul Moore, Brenda Sponhaltz’ brother-in-law, has been in Wheeling Hospital this past week with heart and kidney problems .  Barb Tetlow, Ted Huntsman’s sister, underwent successful outpatient Gamma Knife surgery last Wednesday in Pittsburgh to help alleviate the long-term pain behind her ear. Karen Barbe’s recent mammogram revealed some irregularities for which she will undergo additional tests.  Grace Randolph, Matt’s grandmother, is now home.  Merle Hoffman, Lee’s brother and Carolyn’s brother-in-law, was to have one of his legs amputated last Thursday.  Wilbur Biedekapp, the father of one of Paula Farber’s friends, is experiencing internal bleeding for which the prognosis for recovery is not good.

Let’s continue praying for those for whom our prayers have been requested recently…Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Evelyn Barker, Holly Bine (Pat Rice’s brother, cancer), Ben Hendershot (Kay Sowinski’s cousin), Kevin Kalany, Judy Kinnemond, (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law), Deborah Lodge (Amber Hope’s stepmother), Scott McDiffitt,  Vera Perry, Hunter Lee Porter (4-year old son of one of Paul Huffman’s friends), Peg Spielvogel, Jennifer Wheeler (Amy Nestor’s mother) and Joy Yontz.


Our shut-ins need our continued prayers and support…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Bill Richards,  Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Ed & Bea Stelmach, Vonda Swisher, Jim Thrash, Mike Tribbie, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner, Bill White and Anna Witchey.


Our military personnel need our continued prayers … Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son, Afghanistan) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son, Afghanistan).


Let’s continue to pray for our expectant mothers…Ashley McKeen (a girl anytime), Terra Blacker (a boy in April), Carrie Lucas (a girl in April), Amy Higgins (a boy in May) and Lindsay McKeen (a girl in July).


Last Wednesday evening, Amy Higgins publicly responded to the invitation to request our prayers to help her respond to pressures at work in a more Christ-like way as well as to apologize for the example she has set in failing to do so.  Let’s pray for Amy and encourage her in her spiritual journey.



We want to thank everyone who helped make the Benefit for the Games Family such a huge success.  All involved were blessed with the privilege of helping a family who is deeply loved by the church family—not only here at St.C, but throughout the tri-state area.



We are only two weeks away from our series with Richard McGough of Hagerstown, Maryland—March 25-28.  Postcards are still available on the table in the foyer to use in inviting others to come with you.   Care Group Leaders, be sure to sign the list on the bulletin board for your group’s meal with Richard.



Kristin Noling’s name is spelled with an “i” not an “e” as published in last week’s bulletin.  We apologize for the error.

Also add Brad & Amanda Schrum’s March 19th Wedding Anniversary to this month’s calendar.



There will be an important VBS planning meeting this afternoon at 4:15 in the MP Room.  All who are interested in helping with VBS in any way are encouraged to attend.  This year’s VBS will be  Aug. 6-10 using the theme, “Daniel, A Man Of Focus.”



This coming Thursday evening at 6:00 is our Annual Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner at Mehlmans’.  The evening provides us an excellent opportunity to demonstrate our appreciation for all those who teach in our Educational Ministry.  We hope to have many besides our teachers to come and show their appreciation.  All the teachers’ meals will be provided by the congregation.  The deadline for signing up is this evening. The sign-up list is on the bulletin board.



Everyone is invited to meet at Forest Hills today at 2:30 to lead the worship service for the residents.



Teams 1,2&5 will lead our Ministry of Encouragement for the next two weeks.



Ladies, if you would like to attend the Ladies’ Retreat at Grand Vue Park April 20&21, please sign the list on the bulletin board.



We are glad to have Bill & Joan Rodak back home safely after spending a couple of months in Florida.



There is still time to sign the petition to place the question of abortion on the ballot in Ohio.  The forms are available on the table in the foyer.  Be sure to follow the specific directions to make sure your signature will be properly validated.  You must be a resident of Ohio to sign the petition.



When our hearts break and tragedy strikes, we desperately need the help of God to comfort and strengthen us. God doesn’t take away every pain, but He does help us through it to become better people.  “When Your Heart Breaks” is the scheduled topic of Phil Sanders’ lesson in next week’s broadcast.  The nationally televised program can be seen every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, ch. 7.




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