3.12.17 Bulletin News

New requests & updates:

Doug Elerick completed radiation and three rounds of chemo and will be having tests to see how he is progressing. Elliana George (7 months old, related to Christy Fisher) has a cancerous tumor behind her eye. Bill Miller, who used to worship with us before moving to Indiana, fell and broke his femur. He is in rehab. Bill Rice has been struggling with high blood sugar. Cody Szabo (a 15 year old from Barnesville, the Hannahs’ cousin) has a mass on his hip and back. He will begin chemo soon. Wayne Wheeler had colon surgery last week.

On-going prayers needed:

Dominic Alexander (student at StC., chemo), Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Kevin Davis, Tom Denney (cochlear implant), Karen Dunfee, Alicia Estadt, Dillon Freeman, Joann Gaston, Willie Glasgow, Dorothy Heil (Darla Yazombek’s sister-in-law), Wayne Henthorn, Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Elsie Isiminger (Brenda McCreary’s mother), Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Steve Lattocha, Molly Leonard, Chuck & Peggy Lucas, Maureen McBride, Bruce Miner (friend of the Carpenters), Donna Morris, RJ & Andrea Nolte, Sundy Stanford, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Carl Stonebraker, Gregg Voscavitch & Lori Witchey. In the Military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son), Colt Thomas (Karen Thomas’ step-son), & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband).

Our Shut-ins: Ella Bell, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Leon Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner & Dee Withers.

Forest Hills Today at 2:30, we have a great opportunity to lead worship for the residents of the Forest Hills Nursing home on Reservoir Road. It’s a great opportunity, not only to serve the community, but to be encouraged by the residents. Make plans to be there!

Gospel Meetings: The East Main church in Barnesville will be hosting a gospel meeting with Phil Grear from March 26-30. In addition to their normal Sunday morning service, there will be a 1:30 session Sunday afternoon, and a 7pm session Monday – Thursday.

We are planning a gospel meeting with Richard McGough to be held later this spring. More details coming soon.

There will be a singing night at the Freeport Church of Christ on March 17 at 7pm. (104 E. Main St., Freeport).

Ministry Meeting: There will be a ministry meeting for all the shepherds, deacons, and ministers next Sunday, at 4:30.

Birthday:  Tyson Frye’s March 7 birthday was inadvertently left off the calendar. Please add him to your calendar.

Song Books & Bibles All of our songs will be projected on the front screen. If you are using a song book, the worship order with song numbers is printed on the back of the bulletin for you convenience.

Sympathy:  We extend our sympathy to Bill Rice. His brother, Clarence Rice, passed away on Wednesday.

Nailers Game:   We are planning a church-wide trip to a Wheeling Nailers game on March 25. Tickets are $14, due next Sunday. See Keaton for details.

Ladies Class:  The ladies’ class will meet on Tuesday at 6pm. They are studying the book “Habits of a Loving Heart.”

Hearing Assistance Devices:  We have hearing assistance devices available if you need to use them during any service.

Vacation:  Keaton is wrapping up vacation today. He’ll be back in the office on Tuesday.

Getting Plugged In:   Pray for those who are sick and hurting & writing cards for them. Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving. Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings. Volunteer to teach a children’s class. or assist in our Children’s Ministry. No experience needed, just a willingness to serve! Help in our nursery & kids’s classes Visit, call and write our shut-ins. Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people. Be active in telling the good news and loving people in practical & intentional ways. Participate and serve in our worship gatherings and classes.


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