

    Kevin Kalany will be going to Morgantown early this week in preparation for his May 25th bone marrow transplant.  Jeff Bigler is recovering from last Monday’s successful gall bladder surgery. Edie Roberts will undergo colon surgery in about 8 weeks.  She is now home. 

    Nancy Hudson is to consult with a neurosurgeon this coming Thursday considering the possibility of additional back surgery. Peg Spielvogel is experiencing an increased amount of pain in her back.  Corey Hayes was to consult with an ophthalmologist last Thursday regarding the diminishing vision in his right eye.  Jim Thrash had to go to the emergency room last Tuesday with a problem with his heart but was not admitted.

    Curtis Blake, Darlene Straub’s father, Mel Hannan’s father-in-law and a new brother in Christ, will soon begin chemotherapy treatments for Stage 5 cancer. Wanda Dunham, Becky Groves’ mother, remains  in Trinity West Hospital in Steubenville. Brenda Mullen, the Sowinskis’ neighbor and mother of John & Sarah who used to worship with us, underwent surgery last Tuesday in EORH to remove a cancerous tumor from her colon.  She also has liver cancer.   Brandon Brown, a 15-year old friend of Carol Kovachic, is recovering from successful spine surgery. Clarence Rice, Ethel Kent’s brother, is in Selby General Hospital in Marietta with heart problems.     It was so good to have Don Zink back with us last Sunday as he continues to recover from prostate surgery. 

    Let’s continue our prayers for Evelyn Barker, Jim Bass (Mary’s son), Gail Bigler, Don Gallaher (father of one of Carol Kovachic’s co-workers, cancer), Shelli Glasgow, Sally Hickenbottom (former member), Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s grand-daughter), Ray Ramsay, Joe Santini (Heather’s husband), Frank Sponhaltz and Gregg Voscavitch.

    Let’s continue to pray for, visit and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us regularly…Kate Bain, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Lenny Hungerman, Marcelyn Jones, Ethel & Neil Kent, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.

    Our military personnel are always in need of our prayers…Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Joe Stenger and Dylan Usenick. 

    Issac Gaston completed his four-year commitment to the Marines last Friday and is now home. 


    Our deepest sympathy is extended to Rhonda Roach and Paige Hashman in last Sunday’s death of John Stephen, their father and grandfather respectively.  His funeral was Thursday.


    Last Sunday morning, Kay Sowinski responded to the invitation to request our prayerful support as she and her family try to deal with difficulties in their extended family.

    On Wednesday evening, Jimmie Thrash publicly requested our prayers for some difficulties he is experiencing.


    Check out our new Website at Stchurch,org.  It is still being developed. But, it already is quite an improvement over our present site.


    Last Tuesday evening, Doug Frye who has been worshipping with us for the past few months was baptized into Christ.  Also his wife, Jodi, has expressed her desire to identify with our church family and to work under our shepherds’ oversight. They and their son, Simon will be in Care Group B. 

   On Wednesday afternoon, Curtis Blake (Darlene Straub’s father) was baptized into Christ. He and his wife, Freda will be in Care Group A. (Due to his health, he will not be able to worship with us regularly.)

    We rejoice with Doug’s & Curtis’ decisions and welcome all of them  into our local church  family.

    Ava Hutson, one of Everett & Judy’s granddaughters, was baptized last Sunday by her father, Deric. 


   We are excited about next Sunday.  We hope you have already invited someone to come with you.  If you haven’t, then call and ask them today. You might even want to invite them home to eat with you or go to a local restaurant after the services.


     We congratulate Leslie Butterworth Twarog and Paul Huffman on being united in marriage yesterday.  We pray they have a long and happy life serving the Lord together as husband and wife.      We will honor them with a “Money-Tree” during the June Fellowship on Sunday, June 5.  If you would like to add to the “Tree,” please give your money to Amy Games or Gail Bigler by Wednesday, June 1. 

    We will be honoring the following St. C. church family High School Graduates on June 5: Bridgeport…Cameron Baker (JVS), Kyle Digiandomenico and Vince Magnone; Union Local: Rebecca Santini (JVS); St.C.:  Adam Sambuco and Jacob Zink .

    Please notify Everett or Joyce if you know of any  from the St.C. church family whom we may have omitted.  Also let us know of any who are graduating from College or a Technical School this spring as well.   Please write their name, Degree and school on a card and give it to Everett or Joyce.

    We congratulate Sarah Kalonik, Jane’s daughter, on the graduation from Meredith Manor International Equestrian Center. She will continue her studies and training at WVU for Equestrian Science. 


    Everyone is invited to attend the VBS planning session next Sunday afternoon at 5:00 in the MP Room.  Your input to help make our VBS a great success is needed and encouraged.


    There will be a Congregational Meeting following an abbreviated worship service this evening.  Be sure to be here so you can receive updates regarding the work and plans involving the St.C. church family. 


    They have asked us to donate Onion Soup Mix, Powdered Sugar and/or Ritz Crackers.  Please place the item(s) in the box on the table across from Everett’s office and give any cash donations to Everett by next Sunday evening’s deadline.   


“Calling for Repentance” is the title of next week’s lesson on the nationally televised program which can be seen locally every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, ch. 7.

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