

   Charles Boger is recovering from surgery on his left eye. He is to undergo a laser treatment on his right eye tomorrow to help drain some of the fluid.   Sue Beisel had a cyst surgically removed from her shoulder last Wednesday.  Bill Daley is waiting for the results from tests to determine if his cancer has returned. James Straub, Matt & Darlene’s oldest son, is recovering at home after being hospitalized overnight early last week with bronchial pneumonia.

    Rich Gibson, the son of George & Marie who were members of our church family before they passed away a few years ago, is battling a rare form of lymphoma cancer.  He is being treated at the James Cancer Center in Columbus.  Starling Green, Dennie’s uncle, is in a Zanesville Hospital recovering from last Monday’s triple-bypass heart surgery.   Kyle Thomas, a 5-year old friend of the Vilanos, broke his leg a few days ago.   Sam & Delores Burkhart’s granddaughter, Alyson Stephens, recently gave birth prematurely to twins weighing less than 2 pounds each.

Please continue praying for Clyde Carpenter, Kyle Digiandomenico (mission trip to Taiwan), Alicia Estadt, Ken Frye, Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Kevin Kalany, Don Kettlewell (Bertha’s husband), Judy Kinemond (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter), Dorothy Moore (Jerry’s mother), Charlotte Patton, Wayne Patton, Peg Spielvogel, Mary Taylor and Jennifer Wheeler (Amy Nestor’s mother).

Let’s not forget our shut-ins…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland  Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim  Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.


Please pray for those serving in the military…Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son, in Afghanistan) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


Everett will not be in the office this week while he is on vacation.  He plans to return on June 3.


We will honor all of our High School Seniors during the morning worship services on June 9. Graduating from Bridgeport is Emily Nowakowski; from Home School: Rebekah Dukes and Michaela Hinkle; from Marysville:  Kristin Bass; from St. Clairsville: Paige Hashman and Kyle Lachendro; from Union Local: Alicia Estadt, Riley McDiffitt, Sarah Shepherd and Chelsea Turner and from Wheeling Park: Gunner Usenick.

We also want to publish the names of those of our church family who are graduating from a College or a Technical School this Spring.  Please write their names on a card along with their school’s name and the student’s degree and give it to Joyce Slatt.

High School Graduates, if you have not given Joyce one of your Graduation Announcements and senior pictures, please bring them to her by this evening.


Following next Sunday evening’s worship service, we will meet in the MP Room for refreshments as we honor those with Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries in June.  Care Group C will be in charge of the arrangements.

PICTORIAL DIRECTORY                    

We are making good progress in taking pictures for our 2013 Pictorial Directory.  However, we still have many who have not been photographed yet.  If you have not signed up, please sign the list on the bulletin board before leaving today. Then get with Brad Schrum, Joyce Slatt or Kay Sowinski to be photographed.  Please check your family’s entry regarding correct addresses and phone numbers to make sure we have your correct information.


    All the men and boys are invited to the monthly breakfast this coming Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at Eat ‘N Park.


This summer’s first Thursday Night Devotional (TND) for our youth will be this coming Thursday, 7-9 p.m., at Jason & Angel Baker’s.


Our Wednesday Evening Adult Summer Series, “Hard Sayings and Neglected Commands,” is scheduled to begin on June 5.  The series has the potential of being challenging and inspirational.  Hopefully you will be able to participate in all or most of the classes.


The start of Camp Concern is only a few weeks away. Brochures with registration forms are available on the table in the foyer.  Be sure to note the $10.00 late fee for registering after the deadlines.


When borrowing chairs or tables for private use, please sign the list in the secretary’s office.  Please use only the metal chairs and the brown-topped tables stored in the basement.  Be sure to wipe them off and then sign the list when you return them.


When our hearts break and tragedy strikes, we desperately need the help of God to comfort and  strengthen us. In tragic times, God has not abandoned or forgotten us. God doesn’t take away every pain, but He helps us through it to become better people.  Phil Sanders will discuss some ways of dealing with this pain in next week’s sermon, “When Your Heart Breaks.”  The program can be seen locally every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.


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