

Kevin Kalany’s bone marrow transplant last Wednesday went well and now they are waiting to see if the new cells work effectively. Corey Hayes was to undergo cataract surgery last Thursday.  Nancy Hudson‘s doctors have ruled out surgery on her back.

Bethany Stranges, the Slatts’ granddaughter, is recovering from last Monday’s back surgery.   Leona Vannoy, Dot Saunders’ mother, is experiencing  serious health problems.  Gene Garczyk, Carol Kovachic’s brother, was hospitalized in EORH last week with pancreatitis and complications from the flu.  Patty Howell, a friend of the Daleys and a member of the Shadyside church, is having several spots biopsied which appear to be cancerous. Lauren Symanek, Wayne Patton’s niece, is experiencing additional difficulties as she battles cancer.

Denny Benesh, Pam Butterworth’s brother, continues to heal from two perforated ulcers and diverticulitis. Harry Rice, Ethel Kent’s brother, is in critical condition in a Cincinnati-area hospital. Wanda Dunham, Becky Groves’ mother, continues her recovery from hip surgery.

Please continue praying for Evelyn Barker, Jim Bass (Mary’s son), Curtis Blake, Linda Denney, Mark Farber, Shelli Glasgow, Sally Hickenbottom, Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Brenda Mullen (Sowinskis’ neighbor, cancer), Ray Ramsay, Clarence Rice (Ethel Kent’s brother), Edie Roberts, Joe Santini (Heather’s husband), Peg Spielvogel and Frank Sponhaltz.

Our Shut-ins need our continued prayerful support…Kate Bain, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Lenny Hungerman, Marcelyn Jones, Neil & Ethel Kent, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.

Let’s continue praying and encouraging those serving in the military from our church family and extended church family…Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Marc & Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s grandson & granddaughter), Joe Stenger and Dylan Usenick.


We extend our sympathy to Karen Barbe in the death of her grandfather, Warren Crum. His funeral was last Tuesday in Marion, OH.


During next Sunday morning’s worship service, we will honor those of our St.C. church family who are graduating from High School this year. We want to congratulate Cameron Baker (JVS), Kyle Digiandomenico and Vince Magnone all three of whom are graduating from Bridgeport;  Rebecca Santini who has graduated from JVS/Union Local and Adam Sambuco and Jacob Zink both of whom are graduating from St. Clairsville.

Please let Everett or Joyce of any who are graduating from College or a Technical School this spring as well.   Please write their name, Degree and school on a card and give it to either Everett or Joyce.


Everyone is invited to a Graduation Party for Adam Sambuco at his residence this coming  Saturday, June 4, 4-8 p.m.

The church family is invited to a Graduation Party for Jacob Zink on Saturday, June 11, at his house from 5:00-9:00.  Please sign the list on the bulletin board, if you are planning to attend.


All the men and boys are invited to the Men’s Monthly Breakfast at Eat ‘N Park this coming Saturday at 8:30 a.m.


Following next Sunday evening’s worship service, we will meet in the MP Room to honor our newlyweds Paul & Leslie Huffman during a combination Bridal Shower & Monthly Fellowship.  Care Group A will be in charge of the Shower and Care Group C will be in charge of the Fellowship.

If you would like to donate toward the Money-Tree for Paul and Leslie, please give your money to Gail Bigler or Amy Games by this coming Wednesday, June 1.


The first devo of the summer will be this coming Thursday, 7-9 p.m., at the Jason Bakers’.  If you would like to host one of the Thursday evening  devos this summer, please sign the list on the bulletin board.


A sign-up list is posted on the bulletin board in the hallway for Teachers for any of the next four quarters.


It is good to have John & Mary Taylor back in Ohio after their spending the winter in Florida.


So that we can more effectively minister to the bereaved members of our church family, a list of various ways in which you can help is on the table in the foyer.  Please take one and check the areas in which you are willing to help and return it to Jerry Moore, the coordinator of the meals.


The Encyclopedia of American Religion lists 2,300 different religions in this country. There must be a way to work through all the confusion to find what the Lord desires from us. How can we know what God really wants from us? Is there a standard of truth to lead us out of this confusion? In next week’s lesson, “Religious Confusion,” Phil Sanders, the program’s speaker, will address these and related questions.  The program can be seen locally every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, ch. 7.











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