
Vera Perry was to undergo hip replacement surgery in New Albany, OH, last Friday. Corey Hayes’ eye cataract surgery went well. However, his vision is still very limited. Kevin Kalany is surpassing the doctor’s expectations as he recovers from his bone marrow transplant. Curtis Blake, Darlene Straub’s father, will possibly be able to go home sometime this week. Shelli Glasgow may need additional back surgery. Dana Ramsay has shingles.
Francis Satterfield, Terrie Gaston and Sally McDiffitt’s father, underwent successful surgery on an aneurysm in his stomach last Wednesday. He is now home.   Jonathan Gaston, Mike’s nephew, was seriously injured in a recent riding lawn mower accident. Raymon Higgs, Brenda Sponhaltz’s father, remains in Belmont Community Hospital where he is undergoing physical therapy.   Peggy Sharpe, one of our former members, has a painful case of shingles.   Joelle Jones, the 13-year old sister of Zach Jones who has been battling cancer for the past year, has been diagnosed with a mass on her brain.
Wanda Dunham Becky Groves’ mother, is in serious condition.  Charles Oberdick, Kim Clark’s cousin, and his family lost everything in a house fire on June 24.
Please continue your prayers for Jim Bass (Mary’s son), Barry Bryson, Kristin Davia (Union Local’s social worker), Linda Denney, Sally Hickenbottom, Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Nancy Hudson, Donna Morris (friend of Bunky Loy), Brenda Mullen (Sowinskis’ neighbor), Randy Nolte, Ray Ramsay, Edie Roberts, Joe Santini (Heather’s husband), Peg Spielvogel, Lauren Symanek (Wayne Patton’s niece) and Edward Yoho, Donna Turley’s uncle).
Please keep our expectant mother, Leslie Huffman, in your prayers (February).
Let’s continue our prayers for those who are unable to worship with us regularly…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Lenny Hungerman, Marcelyn Jones, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.

Our prayers continue for those of our church family and extended church family who are serving in the military… Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Marc & Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s grandson & granddaughter), Joe Stenger and Dylan Usenick.

We are saddened in the June 25th death of Neil Kent who served our church family as a deacon for so many years. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Ethel and her family. He will truly be missed by all those who have known and have loved him for so long.

Last Sunday morning, Becky Bigler publicly responded to the invitation to apologize for an un-Christlike example she has set before her non-Christian friends.
It was also announced that Marilyn “Lyn” Pacifico, Kay Sowinski’s cousin, was restored to the Lord on the previous Friday, June 24. Lyn is a member of the St. Joe Rd. church.

We rejoice with Katie Gaston who was baptized into Christ last Sunday afternoon. Katie is one of Mike & Terrie’s daughters. We pray that she will have a long life of effectively serving our Lord.

All of the teens are invited to the Hayes’ residence this coming FRIDAY, 7-9 p.m., for this week’s devotional. (Note the change from the normal Thursday to Friday for this week only.)

This year’s camping season at Camp Concern begins this coming Friday as those of College Age (19-22) meet for their annual retreat. Senior Week for Ages 15-18 opens next Sunday (July 10-16). To save $10.00 of the registration fee for Intermediate (Ages 11-12) and Junior Weeks (Ages 8-10), the applications must be postmarked by this coming Saturday, July 9. Brochures with applications are available on the table in the foyer.

If you haven’t already done so, we hope you will set aside the week of Aug. 8-12 so your family can participate in this year’s VBS 6:30-8:30 nightly. All the classes, Ages 3-Grade 6 and Adults, will be focusing on the theme: “The Life of Moses” If you would like to assist in any way, please contact Dennie Green.

Teams 2,3&5 will lead our Ministry of Encouragement for the next two weeks.

Due to a scheduling conflict, Greg Vickers was unable to teach last Wednesday. So he will present his lesson, “Go…Show Yourselves” based on Lk. 17:14 this coming Wednesday.

Since this is a Holiday Weekend, our Monthly Fellowship during which we honor those with Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries in July will be postponed until next Sunday evening. Care Group A will be in charge of the arrangements.

The monthly breakfast for the men will be this coming Saturday at Eat ‘N Park at 8:30 a.m.

Next week’s broadcast, “Was the Sabbath Changed to Sunday?”, is a response to several viewers’ questions about the Sabbath. The program with Phil Sanders as the speaker can be seen every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, ch. 7.

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