

Bill Kopyar’s tests last Monday revealed no cancer.  Jim Thrash is now home after spending a few days in the hospital last week being treated for seizures.  Bill Rodak is continuing to be treated for an ulcerated eye.  Vera Perry has resumed walking after being restricted to no walking due to complications with her hip.

Leona Vannoy, Dot Saunders’ mother continues to weaken.  Jani Wheeler, Jodi Frye’s sister, is to undergo thyroid surgery on July 16.  Nelson Gaston, Mike’s father, was back in Camden-Clark Hospital in Parkersburg last week with a reoccurrence of his heart problem.  Emmanuel Daugherty, one of Dorothy Nice’s neighbors, and a preacher of our fellowship, recently was hospitalized for a heart attack.  Mary Donna Wordarcyk has requested our prayers for her nephew and his wife, Jerry & Sylvia Eimer.  Sylvia’s mother was recently murdered during a robbery of her home.

    Sue Beisel returned to Equatorial Guinea for another month of teaching.

Our prayers are still needed for Evelyn Barker, Leonard & Stacie Bearup, Holly Bine (Pat Rice’s brother, cancer), Charles Boger, Sam Burkhart (thyroid Cancer), Deloris Fatula (Ed Hirauk’s sister), Jason Gibson (friend of Ruth Morrow, Dee Lallathin’s daughter, wounded in Afghanistan), Susan Foy (Ethel Kent’s daughter, cancer), Brian Games, Bertha Kettlewell,  Kevin Kalany, Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter), Matt Schrum (Brad’s brother) and Peg Spielvogel.

Our shut-ins need our continued prayers…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Harry Schrum, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Vonda Swisher, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.

Please continue your prayers for our expectant mothers…Lindsay McKeen (anytime) and Leslie Judge (December).

Our prayers continue for those serving in the armed forces….Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and  Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).  Bill Randolph, Matt’s father, left last week for four-months in Afghanistan.  Jason Harris, Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law, will soon leave for  Afghanistan.


We rejoice with Brad Hannahs who was baptized into Christ last Wednesday afternoon.  We welcome him to the church family.


We congratulate Leah Miller and Brad Hannahs on their being joined in marriage yesterday afternoon at Oglebay.  They will be in Care Group C.


As our Summer Wednesday Adult series on “The Portraits of Christ in John” continues, Bill Rice will be leading this week’s class in a study of  “Jesus, The Shepherd” using John 10 as his text.


    Don Mitchell, a representative of the team we help support in spreading the gospel in Eastern European countries, will be speaking here during next Sunday evening’s worship service.  He will provide updates and future plans involving the work in those areas.


   Due to several of our youth being at Camp Concern this coming week, Brad and several of the other youth will be traveling to camp on Thursday for the weekly devotional.


Let’s be praying for the effectiveness of this year’s VBS — Aug. 6-10 (6:30-8:30 p.m.).  Our theme will be “Daniel, A Man of Focus.”   If you haven’t done so yet, start telling others about our VBS and invite them to come with you.  There will be classes for all ages from Age 3-Adult.

If you would like to help purchase the food items for VBS, please give the money to Kathy Green.  We need a clay outdoor fire pot for VBS. If you have one you are willing to loan, contact Kathy Green.


    Today is the beginning of the camping season at Camp Concern as Ages 15-18 leave for Senior Week.

Tomorrow is the deadline for mailing registration forms for Camp Concern for ages 8-12 to avoid the $10.00 late registration forms.  There are additional application forms on the table in the foyer.

Parents, if your child wins any awards at any church camp, please write their name, camp name and award on a card and give it to Joyce by August 8 so they can be published in a future bulletin.


    If your student needs help with Math, contact Sue Wirsing.  Sue is a retired math teacher and is offering her services free to any student who needs some tutoring in math.


    The church family is invited to the home of  Ashley Gaston this coming Saturday, July 14 (1-4 p.m.) for a party in honor of her recent graduation from high school.


    Elmer LaRue, one of our former shepherds, will be celebrating his 90th Birthday on July 18.  Let’s send him cards to help celebrate his special day.


    God said in Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.”  If God were taking a look at America today, would He regard us as righteous?  Phil Sanders will address that question in next week’s lesson, “Sin Destroys A People.”  The program can be seen every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.


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