Church Bulletin 6.26.2016

Prayer Requests
New requests & updates: Bob Digiandomenico Sr. (Bob’s dad) has been in ICU at EORH with a serious infection. Frank Nagy (Kim Clark’s father) was taken to the ER last week with low blood sugar. He is now home recovering. Joyce Stimpert’s (Jodi Frye’s mom) cancer has spread to her liver. She will be going to the James Cancer Center at OSU tomorrow. John Talik (a friend of Kim Clark for whom we had been praying) passed away last Sunday. Jill Zatezalo (Mary Donna Wodarck’s daughter) is very ill. Mary Donna is also in need of prayers as she tries to help Jill.

On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Mae Deller (broken arm), Alicia Estadt, Willie Glasgow, Skip Gooch, Kyle Hope (leg surgery), Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Scott Kalany, Misty Landefeld, Michelle & Dale Lewis (Nolte’s in-laws, premature baby), Melissa Lott, Donna Morris, Dot Saunders, Schmidli family, Mike Slatt (kidney stone), Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Jimmy Thrash, Mike Vilano, Lori Witchey & Joy Yontz. In the Military: Please pray for those who are serving in the military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son) & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband). Our Shut-ins: Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Bill & Arlene Kopyar, Leon Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene & Joanne Wallner.

News & Notes
Elder Selection Process:  We are continuing to discuss the work & qualifications of shepherds as we for toward selecting additional men to lead us. This is a very important step in our growth together as a congregation, and you are invited and encouraged to participate. We are in the middle of a series of discussions in the Sunday morning bible class, and we will begin a series of teachings in our worship time together. This is an exciting opportunity for our church, so make plans to be involved and be fervent in prayer!

We celebrate with Jim Yontz and Allison Bilyeu who were baptized into Christ on Thursday!

We extend our sympathy to the family of Bill Kopyar. He passed away early Friday morning. Remember the family in prayer.

Ministry meeting:
There will be a ministry meeting for all the shepherds, deacons, and ministers this afternoon at 4:30.

Devotional & hot dog roast:
Tonight at 6pm we will be meeting outside (weather permitting) for a devotional, bonfire, and hot dog roast. Bring a lawn chair, hot dogs, marshmallows, etc. This is a great chance to fellowship together!

Camp Concern:
Camp brochures are available on the table by the bulletins or online. Work Day is July 6th.

July Calendars:
The July calendar and assignment sheet is now available on the table next to the bulletins. Make sure you pick one up! They are also online.

There will be a brief Relay for Life wrap-up meeting on June 29th after our Wednesday night devotional.

Teen devotional:
The next TND (Thursday Night Devotional) for the teens will be Thursday at the Hatchers’ at 7pm.

Encountering Jesus:
Encountering Jesus continues this week on Wednesday night! Jeff Bigler will be teaching Jesus’ encounter with a lame man from John 5. If you miss a week, the recordings will be posted online.

Public Response:
Sierra Schmidli asked for prayers last week as she goes through a difficult time. Let’s be praying for her and offering our support!

Bike & trike club:
If you enjoy riding motorcycles, join the Bike & Trike club for the first ride of the year on Saturday, July 9th. See Kyle Sowinski or Jeff Bigler for details!

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