July 22, 2018 Bulletin

New requests and updates: Gail Bigler and Dee Bigler haven’t been feeling well. Dan Holloway, who has been worshipping with us, has asked for prayers that he will be able to have Sundays off to worship with us more consistently. Elsie Isiminger (Brenda McCreary’s mother) has been sick. Joyce Stimpert (Jodi Frye’s mom) has been in the hospital with abnormal bleeding. They are running tests.

On-going prayers needed: Margaret Bailey (Nettie Hartung and Greg Vicker’s mother), Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Joe Bine, Stephanie Bittinger, Freda Blake, Barbara Brewer, Sam & Delores Burkhart, Clyde Carpenter, Kim Clark, Vickie Clem (surgery), Bob Digiandomenico, Joann Gaston, Lorie Grandy (Susan Biesel’s niece), Jax Harris, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Donna Hirauk, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Arlene Kopyar, Mary Lively, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Curtis McBride, Donna Morris, Andrea Nolte, Pat Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Donna Taylor, Chris Tomer, Martha Wade (Bob Wade’s mother), & Sue Wirsing.

Expectant Mothers: (July), Mollie Wade (October).

In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).

Wednesday Services Canceled: The paving project for our parking lot is set to begin this week. Due to the paving, our Wednesday night Bible classes and devotional will be canceled. Our services for Sunday remain the same, and Wednesday services will resume their normal schedule on August 1. Thanks for your patient understanding!

VBS Planning: If you are interested in helping with VBS, sign up on the bulletin board. If you have questions, see Keaton, Dennie, or Brad.

The refreshment committee for VBS is in need of cookies and monetary donations to help purchase snacks and drinks. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please see Debbie Hatcher. If you would like to help with cookies and refreshments for the adult VBS series, please see Linda Carpenter.

The recreation committee needs beach balls, frisbees, hula hoops, and bean bags. Please write your name in permanent marker on your item and put them in the Fireside Room.

Parking Lot Contribution: Today is the final Sunday for which our contribution will go toward paying for the paving project. Thanks for your generosity!

Collection For Augusta Levy: Items needed are due by Wednesday. See Stephanie Benham for details.

Celebrate! We celebrate with Melanie Hannan, who made the decision to begin her journey following Jesus through baptism last week. We celebrate with our new sister, and welcome her to the family! Pray for her as she grows in her relationship.

Summer Series: We will be continuing our summer series in our Wednesday night Bible class on August 1. This is a great opportunity to get involved in deeper Bible study with your church family as we talk about who we are as a church, and why we believe what we believe. Make plans to join us!

Sympathy: We extend our sympathy to Angie Hostetler and her family. Her father, David Cross, passed away last week. His services were held in St. Clairsville.

Hearing Assist Devices: We are going to be upgrading our hearing assist system very soon. If you would like your own personal receiver, the cost will be $100. If you would like one of your own, see one of the shepherds or Brad.

Camp Concern: Junior Week at Camp Concern begins today. Keep the students and staff in your prayers!

Bike Ride: There will be a motorcycle ride on Saturday, July 28. They will be leaving from the building at 8am.

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