My Feelings Were Hurt!

   …LOVE does not insist on its own way…

– 1 Corinthians 13:5 (ESV)


That afternoon when I stopped to pick up my friend Celia, I was excited and glad for she had agreed to attend our home Bible study with me. I knew she needed this, and I believed it might help her a lot. But the doorbell rang in an empty house. Finally I saw the note tacked to the door: “Had a chance to go shopping in the city. Hope you don’t mind.”

Well, I did mind. I had talked to her about the study for weeks. She’d promised faithfully. I’d driven blocks out of my way for her. My efforts had meant nothing to her at all. She had not even been considerate enough to call me about it. I resolved that I’d just forget about Celia going to be study.

When I arrived at home, some small children were playing and giggling on the sidewalk before my house.

“Look!” one little girl called to me. “This little bitty penny can shut out that whole big sun!” The children were closing one eye, holding a penny close to the other and squinting toward the sun.

“Want to try?” she invited, extending a penny. Sure enough, when held near my eye, that tiny penny completely obscured the giant, brilliant sun. Just as my little hurt pride blinded me to the important truth that Celia needed to have God in her life.

I went on into my home. At the phone I wrote a note: “Call Celia about going to the next Bible study.”

Father, keep showing me how to deal with hurt feelings.

 –Lucille Campbell

    “Love has good manners and does not pursue selfish advantage. It is not touchy. It does not keep account of evil or glad over the wickedness of other people. On the contrary, it is glad with all good men when truth prevails.”

1 Cor. 13:5 (Phillips)


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