November 18, 2018 Bulletin

Prayer Requests & Updates

New requests and updates:  Jeff & Gail Bigler have not been feeling well.  Scott

Chapman recently found out he has prostate cancer. He will be having a PET
scan done Tuesday to check for more cancer. Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s
brother) is in Wheeling Hospital with heart problems. Mike Slatt has a small spot
of cancer on his bladder. He has pre-op on the 21st and outpatient surgery to
remove the spot on the 27th. John Sowinski had open heart surgery this past
Monday. He is in Wheeling Medical Park.

On-going prayers needed: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter), Jack
Bailey (Nettie Hartung & Greg Vicker’s step-dad), Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass,
Mary Bass, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer, Blake Gaston
(Mike Gaston’s nephew’s son), Joann Gaston, Caleb Hayes, Dorothy Heil,
Wayne Henthorn, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany,
Warren Lallathan, Mary Lively, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Judy McMillan,
Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Wayne Patton, Vera Perry, Ernie Pyatt, Bill & Pat Rice,
Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Martha Wade,
Brenda Wallner, Luretta Warrick, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing.

In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry
Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe
& Karen’s son).

Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley,
Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.


News & Information

Winter Quarter Teachers Needed
The winter teaching quarter in our
children’s ministry begins in
December. We are still in need of
several teachers. If you are willing to
serve as a teacher or if you would be
willing to assist, sign up on the
bulletin board by the offices.

The Lord’s Table Preparation
We need help preparing the Lord’s
Supper for next year! There is a signup
sheet on the bulletin board
outside the offices. If you can help
for one month in 2019, please sign

Thanksgiving Devotional
We will have our annual Thanksgiving
D e v o t i o n a l t h i s We d n e s d a y,
November 21. There will be no
classes. We will meet together for a
brief devotional.

College Student Addresses
If you or someone in your family is a
college student, please give the
office your name, address, and the
school you are attending. We need
addresses for students attending
locally and those away from home.

Disaster Relief Effort
The Church of Christ Disaster Relief
Effort is a long-standing ministry
within Churches of Christ that help to
respond to natural disasters with
aide. Our shepherds have sent $5000
to help them in their work. You can
learn more about their ministry and
their work on their website at

Ladies Class
The Ladies class will be resuming on
Tuesday at 6pm in the Fireside
Room. All our ladies are invited to
participate in a great night of
f e l l o w s h i p , b i b l e s t u d y, a n d

Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices
available for those that may need
them. They are available in the back
hallway. See an usher for assistance.

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