Count your Blessings, not your troubles   Other people don’t need your troubles–they have enough of their own. –Mal. 3:10

Live One Day At A Time–You can control and conquer any sin if you will learn to live one day at a time. –James 4:13-15.

Learn To Say, “I Love You. “–Break the “alabaster box” of kindness to as many people as possible each day. –Mark 14:3-6.

Learn To Be A Giver and Not A Getter — If you are failing to get out of life what you want, it is because you are expecting to get instead of give. — Luke 6:38

Seek For Good in Everyone and in Everything — Be a “good” seeker and not a “fault” finder. –Matthew 7:1-5

Pray Every Day — Reserve a time in your day to thank God for His many blessings and ask for His guidance. –Luke 18:1

Do At Least One Good Deed Each Day — Plant the seed of “goodness” and it will produce after its kind. –Acts 10:38

Learn to Count — All things have a place in life. Some people cannot keep the important things in first place. –Matthew 6:33

Let Nothing Bother You — We let too many things destroy our life. We even allow                                           imaginary things to bother us. –Phil. 4:7

Practice the “Do It Now Habit” — “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

–2 Cor. 6:1-2

Fill Your Life With Good –Clean out the trash and fill your life with good thoughts and good deeds. –Phil. 4:8

Learn To Laugh and Learn To Cry — Over 70 percent of all physical ills could be overcome if we could learn these. — Romans 12:15

Learn To Practice The Happiness Habit — Learn to smile, and the world will smile with you. –Phil. 4:4

Learn To Fear Nothing Or No One — Think on your powers and not on your weakness. Crowd out fears with faith. –Hebrews 11:1-6

Let Go and Let God Take Over — The only way to find peace and happiness is to let God take the controls of your life. –Psalms 23.

–compiled by Alan Bryan


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